Islamic Concept Of Intermediation – Tawassul

Islamic Concept Of Intermediation – Tawassul

Islam is a comprehensive religion as it covers all aspects of human life. It is a religion of balance and moderation; it avoids extremes. Other religions overplay one aspect of human life and underplay the other, and are, therefore, For example, in some religions the spiritual component of life is overstressed and man is raised to the level of a mere abstraction; in other religions, the physical and the palpable aspect is overemphasized and man is reduced to the level of an animal or a machine. Their extremistic attitude not only creates imbalance but also encourages a variety of splits and contradictions, which not only disillusion their more sensitive followers but also give rise to a sense of general apathy, even revulsion, towards their highsounding Islam acknowledges the relevance of both aspects of human life, the physical and the spiritual. But it does not dissociate them from each other; rather it weaves them into a higher form of unity. Islam acknowledges the pres …

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