Importance Of Weeping And Wailing – Ahmiyat E Buka Dar Marasim E Aza

Importance Of Weeping And Wailing – Ahmiyat E Buka Dar Marasim E Aza

These arguments are of two kinds: (i) Traditional and (ii) Rational. I begin with traditional arguments. Traditional Arguments: The traditional arguments are again of two kinds: (i) the arguments which indicate the importance of weeping and wailing over the sufferings and afflictions of the Ahle Bait in the eyes of the Allah, and (ii) the arguments which indicate the importance of weeping and wailing over the sufferings and afflictions of the Ahle Bait in the Ahle Bait themselves. The arguments indicating the importance of weeping and wailing over the sufferings and afflictions of the Ahle Bait in the eyes of Allah: Out of the numerous arguments fallings in this category I take up only four arguments. Arguments No.1: Allah attaches so much importance to the weeping and wailing for Husain (A.S.), that He made His most beloved servants – His Messengers and their executors of will weep and wail for Husain (A.S.), long before the heart – rending tragedy of Karbala took place. Father …

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